Sunday, January 13, 2013

"You're like Jordans on Saturday, I gotta have you and I cannot wait"

Girls are like a great pair of shoes. The best ones are always so hard to get but if you really like them, you're willing to wait in the dark and cold all night for them. There isn't really a price that you aren't willing to pay for your favorite pair. When you finally get them, you'll do everything to take care of them that way you can keep them forever. When you get to wear them out, you feel like a million bucks and you just want to show them off. If someone says they're ugly or doesn't like them, as hard as you try, you're always a little offended.  In the end, you know that it doesn't really matter what other people think. What really matters is how they make you feel cause you're the one that's with them everyday.