Wednesday, April 3, 2013

#1 On The Monthly Matrix... Again.

It's good to know your own personal strengths and weaknesses. Not a lot of people come to the realize what they're good at in their entire life. To me, I think that's a waste. This quote I read in a book said, "Every person I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn from them" -Emerson. What this quote means to me is that every one that I have ever come across can teach me something to make myself better. People come in all shapes and sizes and if you can't look past who they are on the outside, you'll never find their greatness on the inside.

My entire life I always knew that I am good at being personable, being a good friend, being pretty convincing and hardworking. I never thought it would all come together and pay off in the past few months I've been at the airport. Comparing my numbers to several other people on the current and past matrices, I am rather impressed with what I had accomplished. With that said, it did not come easy. People that watched me climb to the top as fast as I did must have thought it just came naturally. 

Let me reassure you, it sure as hell did not. 

The past three months I have been living, eating, breathing the next sale. It's funny to think about how I got to where I am now. The truth be told. Everything that has been preached to me before has become reality. "You can accomplish whatever you set your mind to", "Winning is a mental state of mind", and "Just do it." It's all true. If it is something you truly want, it will happen. I promise you.

I will remember this feeling, I will achieve it again, I am proud.