Some say "the worst kind of love is unrequited love", I disagree. I believe unrequited love gives us the ability to fall in true love. When someone is sincerely in love, they care about the person deep down in their heart. It takes so much to do the little things that matter in someone's life and not care if its appreciated. Its even more unbelievable the fact that people do it effortlessly.

A shoulder to cry on. When someone is in love with someone else.. he'll wait for their call however long it takes. When she does call, crying, about how her boyfriend cheated on her.. he spends all night listening to her cry over the phone. Making snorting noises. He'll listen. Try his best to cheer her up and maybe get her favorite beverage the next morning. She wouldn't even suspect a thing.

Write a letter. When someone is in love with someone else... she'll write him a letter telling him about how much she misses him. Ask if everything is well in college, even if he is getting drunk every night and hooking up with random girls. Do something extremely out of her comfort zone. Pour her guts out while being extremely careful, of course. Maybe one day he'll read in between the lines.

Buy a gift. When someone is in love with someone else... he'll spend all day walking around the mall by himself. Remembering the random things she pointed at but couldnt afford. With the money he saved from his three months worth of lunch, he looks for something special. Something more thoughtful beyond a necklace. He'll give it to her the next day, hoping it won't end up in the back of her closet full of useless shit.

Daydream. When someone is in love with someone else.. they'll think about them. All the time. Hoping that where ever they are, 10000 miles away or 2 classrooms away, they're okay. Knowing that they might even be holding someone else's hand, kissing someone else's cheek, or riding in someone else's car... they're happy. They're happy that he or she is happy, even if it means not with them.
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