Saturday, January 12, 2008


Every time I write in a blog, the first thing I think is... "I wonder how many people would end up reading this." The buddylist amount of possibilities and more. The question falls under so many different levels. I wonder how many people will find something I say funny and end up 'lol'ing infront of their computer while someone is sitting on the side wondering if they're crazy. How many people will silently judge, ridicule, the things I say. The number of people who benefit with a couple of minutes of deep thoughts. These thoughts about blogging online has been with me since the day I first got a Xanga in eighth grade. I thought the idea of blogging online would be like having a journal, yet you can never call an online blog a journal since the personal level is lost. The bond between a journal and its owner lies with the ability to unleash all emotions through literature. Murdered through the wonders of blogging. I am a victim.

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