There's a million people in the world, the chances of me just getting a glance at someone and never seeing them again in my life is really probable. What I find crazy is when I get a glance at someone and somehow I meet them later down the line. Little miracles like this have happened. I can't believe it myself. Maybe some friends, significant others, best friends are just meant to be. I like that thought.
My blogs lately have been cupcake-y as fuck. I bet whoever reads it asks the same question I ask myself, whats getting at me? I spent a great amount of time thinking about this and the truth is....
I've been single for the past two years and that has got to be the longest time ever. It doesn't bother me because I wanted this, I wanted to prove to myself that I can be my own person and I don't need a girl to be happy.
What really does bother me though is when I watch all my friends with their girlfriends or boyfriends. Smiling at each other, holding hands, talking on the for phone hours (still feeling as if its not enough time), and ALL that cupcake shit.
Proving to myself that I can be happy single led me to learn something new about myself. I look at my friends with their significant others and I look at the guys that can get any girl they want. If I had to choose, I'd rather be with just one girl.
I could care less about bragging about all the girls I've slept with. Its just not me. I miss having that one person I can call at any hour of the night and just vent about how much I miss her. But missing the feeling isn't enough.
For me, to grab any girl and pretend like I have those kinds of feelings for her doesn't work. In a relationship, I don't think with my head... I think with my heart. My emotions are the catalysts of my decisions. It leads to good and bad but its sincere. The sincerity makes the what feels like a lot of effort in a fake relationship feel like nothing.
I've been looking but its not happening. Maybe I'm more careful and clear cut about what I'm looking for, I haven't met the right girl Maybe I'm not in the mental mindset for a relationship. Whatever it is, its killing me but I know that once I get over this feeling of being incomplete.. I'll find someone. That's usually how it works right?
(Revised from previous post for my transfer essay)
From my transitional summer from high school to college, I've learned something about life. Life is a lot like Poker, Texas Hold’em. Everyone is dealt a hand. Some people are dealt good hands, some bad, some just okay. The thing is that no matter what’s on the line, anyone can walk away with the winnings.The person that has to bluff his way through it the entire game to win still has a shot. Not saying that people should lie their way through life, if that's what you're thinking. Some people just don't understand the art of bluffing.
Bluffing is pretending you have something you don't or pretending you don't have something as good as you do. It’s not lying, it’s like flirting. The lie is mutual, everyone assumes you are lying. Bluffing also requires you to convince yourself that you know what your opponent has in his hand and whatever you have is always better. This takes skill. It requires you to sometimes even forget the rules of the game and take a risk.
Bluffing in life, you have to forget the rules sometimes and risk it by going all in. It is not a big deal to lose it all because leaving with half filled pockets and wondering what would have happened is a lot worse than leaving with empty pockets, knowing there is nothing you could have done but at least you tried. Personally, I'd rather walk away from a table with all or nothing. When I walk away with nothing, it would actually feel like I’m walking away with everything. I’m a superhero when I risk it all. No one can touch me because I am someone that has risked it all and not many people can say they have.
In the game of life, I feel I'm dealt a jack and ten of spades. On the flop there is the ace of spades, jack of hearts, and eight of diamonds. The possibility of me hitting a flush is still possible and I already have hit the jack. In order to have the best hand by the time all the cards are on the table, I'd say I have a good forty percent chance. Even if I don't have the winning hand by then, the pot can still be mine and that is all I need to know to live an exciting, adventurous, and fun life. Anything is possible. I live a life full of the risks I take, the winnings and the loss. People say life isn't about luck or the cards I am dealt. I say it is how I play my hand and just a little bit of luck.